Saturday 30 January 2010


Today. Yesh. The first Chemistry lesson-tutoring session. Tutored Shekinah alone. But I was very satisfied with what I did. I don't know why. It's tiring to run through all the notes. Typing those notes out. Printing the notes, and confirming time with the kids. It seemed like a hassle at first having to rush many things, but at last, I felt very happy with it. Where the hell I got these "I-love-to-teach" genes from. Must have been from Mum. I find it a privilege to be able to pass down skills or knowledge that you have to others. I mean, it's a God-given thing and why keep it when you have so much already. A few friends asked me if I was going to charge a fee for this. Nah. ;D It's something nice to teach others, and it's also better than sitting at home doing nothing while the moss starts making your whole body their lovely, warm home. I really, I really thank God for making me this way. Heck, I am not perfect. But it is all these imperfect stuffs that made me love myself, others and especially God, more.

I do think that in life, giving is always better than to receive. I always find it awkward when people give stuffs to me... ;D It's nice, but weird. I prefer giving stuffs to others instead. ^^ And I had a great time at Youth service today. I do not know for whatever reason I felt that way. It must have been God there.

At McD's, chatted long with the youths. I'm finally able to mix around well here. Wasn't able to do that a while back when I was still a newbie to the bunch. And it's also great to have at least a bunch of friends that you can trust in church, whether it is with your spiritual life or your physical life. It's different.

I have lots more to say, but a short post is enough. Long posts are boring. Short to say, I love you guys and girls out there. Friends, family.

*Victory is for those who trust in God. Put all fears aside and fly! ;D*

=CHIcken WINGs=

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