Friday 15 January 2010

Random sh*t.

Came back from work. I don't really hate work, but I don't really love it either. I just love the people there, not the work. The kids are especially adorable. [In Kumon centre, I mean]. The work there is tiring and demanding. I'm having backaches from sitting 8 and a half hours. Painful crap. But still, it's a learning experience. ;D

Just dropped by my cuzzie's blog. I so agree that the matter of using the term "A**ah" should not be made up into such a big matter. Why bring up this matter? If adults behave like this, what more about us, our kids, and the generations that are going to inherit our country's so-called multi-racial legacy. Ingat-ingatlah, bagaimana acuan, begitulah kuihnya. You can't reshape your kuih once it is made. Think not twice, not thrice, not quadruple times. Think a million times, for our future's sake. Children nowadays are not dumb, mind you. =D When I was typing this, "Budi Bahasa Budaya Kita" song came up the TV. Featured different cultures. That's more pleasing to the eye than the issue that I mentioned above.

Bzz. I'm saying it again. I LIKE YOU! ;D

Footnote: Politicians should make politics a platform for the country's growth, not a playground. Kids love playgrounds by the way. =D

=CHIcken WINGs=

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