Monday, 2 February 2015

Fires can burn themselves out.

Has anyone come up to your grille and have him or her tell you something that you are (insert an adjective that is used to describe someone negatively)? Or you overheard someone talking about you that you are so-and-so? Or you found out from some online social media site or forum that is bad-mouthing you?

In such cases, what do you do? Being a victim (I have things about me being said on social media that does not totally represent me, but alas, people do talk about others, right?) myself, I have learned a thing or two about how to handle such atrocities. (such powerful word, I cringe while I wrote that)

What should you do? The answer is simple. Let me give you an illustration. Now, close your eyes (okay, you can still take a peek because you have to know what the next steps are).

Picture a forest. A large, lush and green blanket of trees stretching far and wide across the ground. Got that? Good.

Now, imagine you were a horrible human, lighting a matchstick and dropping it onto the undergrowth (I SAID IMAGINE, I DIDN'T SAY YOU WERE REALLY HORRIBLE!).

If the undergrowth is dry (like Australian forests during summer), the fire quickly spreads across the forest, like a plague. Slowly, but surely, it creeps through. Every root, stem, branch and bud gets licked by flames, then engulfed by its voracious appetite.

Then, realising that you lack the resources to stop the onslaught of this disaster, you sit there and watch the whole forest turn to cinders and ashes, feeling sorry for not being able to do a shit about it (see, I told you that you weren't that horrible).

Eventually, the forest turns to nothing but a barren wasteland of ashes. But the flames are gone and the land is left scorched, parched by the ferocious flames.

What I am trying to explain from the rather lenghty illustration is: Let it be. Let the problem escalate. Let people hate all they want. Eventually, (yes, eventually), they will come to their senses that for them to hate you and for you to ignore their hatred, leads to nothingness. Leads to a total waste of energy. That you do not really give a shit of what people thinks of you. In the end, you still win without having to stick a finger into the fire and getting yourself burnt in the process. Smile and the fire will choke itself out. TADAH.

On why I do get haters. Personally, I am quite arrogant and may come off as bossy to those who don't really know me. Trust me, I have heard from various close friends of mine that they thought I was really arrogant, bossy and "in my own world" when they first came to know me. Thankfully, these are the bunch that took all the pain to know me and I do treasure them. Unfortunately for some, they choose to take me as what they perceive and voila, I am Mr. Arrogant-bitch-that-needs-to-get-titties-squeezed-dry-guy. So, to those who know me well, you know I love you guys a lot. I don't hide my opinions from you guys and yes, I am honest and blunt as hell with these guys.

Oh yes, I also don't mix well with several species of people. The list goes as follows:

1. Hypocrites
Oh yes. While most people are taught to be professional and treat everyone equal and as gentle as possible, even to hypocrites, I personally can't do it. With these people, I give them raw pounding of harsh words, sarcasm and cynicism, all mixed together to form a deadly concoction which I do not hesitate to use.

2. Big-(cock)talk-no-do
Ah this one. I used to have a friend (I am not sure I would want to continue considering him as a friend, though) back in my freshie year as an undergrad who keeps telling me of sweet promises, things we would do together. This isn't a homo thing, please. "Bro, I will bring you out when I bring my car into campus next year.", "Bro, we can always go yamcha to so-and-so place" and the list of sweet promises goes on and on and on. Yeah, I feel like your bro. The next year, all he does is bring girls around (girls are starting to approach him because of his car, though) and I was never brought out before. Don't be so foolish to fall for promises, people. It can hurt your ass more than a taekwondo kick in the groin when your beautiful imagination gets shattered into smithereens by the person you actually want to trust. *pauses to take a deep breath*

3. "On my way ah, you wait ah!"
Being a Malaysian, and also a student who took basic level quantum chemistry, we can quantize the outcomes into two: That person is either getting out of the house or is really already on his or her way. Indirect implication: That person is already late for having to cause you to make the call. People who are not punctual get on my nerves quite easily, especially serial "On-the-way"ers. Being punctual is not only a sign of courtesy but also on how much you actually treasure the time you want to spend with the person whom you are about to meet. Imagine being 6 hours late to a date, if you make it out alive, thank the heavens and go buy a lottery, you WILL strike jackpot. But chances are you'd be dead as a statue. Bottom line, punctuality = care = love = respect = sincerity. Being late brings the exact opposite of the given adjectives.

4. Fake "damsel-in-distress"
Ever heard of size-zero people who say they are fat, hoping that people will console them with beautiful words, or guys with herculean physique but claim that they are out of shape, just to have their emotions satiated when people feed positive comments and feedback into their ego. These people just have to get their asses straight and stop playing pity. If you need satisfaction from being rubbed in all the right places by praises and self-glorification, perhaps one should try self-servicing. Makes one feel good minus the trouble of having to be damsel-in-distress. "Oh, hear thee, hear thee, it is I, distress, am I in." LU JIAK SAI LA.

It's probably that I do not hide my contempt for these people is what gets me grilled from people all the time. One thing for sure, I don't fake myself to conform the the needs and wants of the society. After all, if we keep conforming, the will never be a change in status quo. No change in the status quo only equates to stagnancy and hence, never will there be improvements.

So yes, hate me, loathe me. No great leader was born without trials and hurdles.




  1. Lol the 4 categories are probably people whom people hates most hahahhahahaha.

    But the big cock and no-do part, I wouldn't really feel much if one of the bros I had do that because its all their right and the outings wouldn't be of much bother. The cockers I hate are the ones who can't complete tasks assigned and trying to hog everything in the eleventh hour. That, is a huge turn off.

  2. Oh yes, last minute clowns are also a bunch of those I hate, but I usually don't associate myself with them, minus all the problem. ;)


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