Thursday 25 December 2008

Christmas day well spent.

For many people, well I think, Christmas is just another holiday to be spent with loved ones like family members, friends, girlfriends, boyfriends, you get the idea. But then, what about those who cannot afford to celebrate it, or have never even had a chance to celebrate it? Personally, I had an eye-opening experience when I celebrated Christmas at an orphanage in Wangsa Melawati. Though it was Christmas, to the little children there it was like only another normal school holiday, only waiting for school to reopen and the cycle just goes on and on and on. Pity them, much.

Well, the day started pretty, let me say, not really pleasant. Uncle Peter couldn't get to the place because the map wasn't properly drawn... Poor graphics and estimation of the map. OMG! I could be a cartographer next time right? **Chi Wing is a noob~**

When we got there, I had to start the game immediately. Looks like I had to be the show starter. *Starts to sweat profusely* Played 3 games with the kids. Man, those kids have a heaven lot of energy! They kept running and running I barely could catch a breath, seriously. Even Anndrea and Vivian were exhausted... We didn't capture a picture of them running around like monkeys~ Haha~!

After the games, it was turn for Anndrea to continue with the storytelling session. Anndrea blurred at a certain point... LOL, cute~ Haha~!

After the storytelling session, Alvin and Uncle Peter conducted the song session. Christmas songs! *Wooh!!!!*

See the picture below? My brother is very visible, the biggest boy in white. If I don't mention it, you'd already guessed it out if I say my brother was humongous... Passing his gift to his designated friend. Very contrasting height and size... Haha~!

The kids look happy with their gifts in hand. Haha! Very pretty sight.

I didn't upload my picture 'cause... I look horrible...Everywhere~ Haha~! So what's going to be your next Christmas highlight? Visit an orphangage-la! Go try it out, at least once in your lifetime. You're never going to regret the experience there.

That's very much from me right now. Praying for a safe journey to and in Korea. Those reading my blog, Merry Christmas and God bless you till you have no choice but to bless others.


The Noob


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