Friday 6 November 2009

Racism is so last century.

I overheard someone saying that entering matriculation college in Malaysia is a waste. Saying that's it more for Malays and it's kind of hopeless. But to my opinion, it's more of who you are. It's totally dumb and racist saying that matriculation college is for Malays. I know of a few people who aren't Malays that entered matriculation college and came out well. See? Furthermore, if you can see nowadays, many people are using racism this, and racism that. It's totally outdated and so last century to use racism to cover up your own weaknesses. It's lame. We're living in Malaysia. Grow up already. To other people out there, Grow into a MALAYSIAN if you call yourselfa Malaysian. Not happy? MIGRATE!

=CHIcken WINGs=

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