Sunday 25 October 2009


Just got back from the Prefectorial Board's Annual Dinner year 2009.

Like every year, the Form 5-ers are celebs. This year's Form 5 senior gifts are photo frames made and decorated by our own Form 4 Board Members.

The whole thing was great. The food was much better than last year's food. A million times better. Too bad for me, I found a place that serves bad food last year. Too bad for last year's batch of Form 5-ers.

So far, life has been OK for me. Not too bad, and not too good either. Just a plain mix of both to balance things up.

Just got my official SPM trials results. Did rather badly compared to the last time. I got 8A1's, 1A2 and a B3. Damn it. Must be playing too much interner lately... ;D Got to buck up already, the mother of all exams is on the way in like 3 weeks.

Anyways, many of my friends are going to face exams pretty soon too. GOOD LUCK! May God's blessings shower upon you guys. Pray for me too please~

BTW~ The girls at the annual dinner were HAWT!
And... The guys at the annual dinner... They were as HAWT too!

=CHIcken WINGs=

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