Thursday 4 June 2009

Typing, typing, typing.......

Jusy finished typing exam papers for Mum not long ago. Wasted a chance at saying a big "ELLO~!" to Gian Yang today. Whoops... Hope he's not angry or what. He just scares me... Either he's too tall(he's at least a head taller than me...), or looks too fierce. LOL. Gotta' wait for next week. Hope there's cell group tomorrow, so I wouldn't be so bored. It's been the holidays but I still feel so friggin' bored. Like crazy. Dang! Goin' back to Mum's hometown for the weekend. The last post before I go holidaying... Wahahaha! Friends, take care alright? XD

=CHIcken Wings=

1 comment:

  1. wow.. same thing i do every year.. sure gt four times 3 or 4 papers, 6-8 pages.. many many pictures.. tiredness..
    hav fun!


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